Honolulu Havoc Newsletter: February 6, 2017


Welcome to all our new registrants since the last newsletter. Only 33 more days until Left Coast Crime in Honolulu, Hawaii!

What does a hard boiled egg cost at the Hilton?

Some of you have asked us how we set the registration price, and food costs are the major factor. The Honolulu Havoc Committee is having fun choosing the breakfast menu and the snacks for the Welcome Reception except for one thing — Hotel Food Sticker Shock! So take a guess, how much does one hard boiled egg cost us at the Hilton? [answer at the end]

The Panels Are Here!

We are thrilled to announce that we have posted the Hopefully Final Panel Schedule! Panel Chairs Larry & Rosemary Mild have worked endless weeks and hours putting together a wonderful program for LCC 2017. Our goal is to make sure the LCC audience is entertained and informed. If you have any questions about the panels, please email Rosemary & Larry Mild at panels@magicile.com.

Honolulu Havoc Needs You!

As an all-volunteer organization, LCC can’t run conventions without volunteers like you! Emails have gone out to all who expressed interest in volunteering when they registered, but there are plenty of volunteer opportunities for everyone. To volunteer for any of the Volunteer opportunities listed below, please email Volunteer Coordinator Lucinda Surber with the Volunteer Job(s) you would like along with some times you are available.

Registration Desk
Sign up for a two-hour shift helping Registrar Stan Ulrich manage the registration desk. We need both experienced Registration Desk volunteers and those who have never done this fun job of welcoming convention registrations and handing out the registration envelopes and book bags. We need volunteers for two-hour shifts on Wednesday (3:00-5:00 PM), Thursday (8:30 AM – 5:00 PM), Friday (8:30 AM – 4:00 PM), Saturday (8:30 AM – 4:00 PM), Sunday (8:30–10:30 AM). If you would like to volunteer for the Registration Desk, please note some time blocks you would be available.

Volunteer Table
Sign up for a two-hour shift helping Volunteer Coordinator Lucinda Surber to distribute and collect Panel Room Packets and fill in for any volunteers who don’t show up. We need volunteers for two-hour shifts on Thursday (9:00 AM – 5:00 PM), Friday (9:00 AM – 4:00 PM), Saturday (9:00 AM – 4:00 PM), Sunday (8:30 – 10:30 AM). If you would like to help out at the Volunteer Table, please specify some time blocks you would be available.

Author-Hosted Table Sign-Ups
Sign up for a two-hour shift helping people chose the Author-Hosted Table they would like to join. We need volunteers for two-hour shifts on on Wednesday (3:00 – 5:00 PM), Thursday (8:30 AM – 4:30 PM), and Friday (8:30 AM – 12:30 PM). If you would like to help with Author-Hosted Table sign-ups, please note some time blocks you would be available.

Silent Auction & Hospitality
Sign up for a shift helping Auction Chair A.K. Gunn monitor the Silent Auction items and help with Hospitality. Responsibilities include keeping an eye on the Silent Auction items, selling Quilt Raffle Tickets, answering questions, and making attendees welcome. We need volunteers for two-hour shifts on Wednesday (3:00–5:00 PM to set up the room), Thursday (9:00 AM – 4:00 PM), Friday (10:00 AM – 4:00 PM), Saturday (10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, 6:30 – 7:30 PM for final bidding, 9:30 – 10:30 PM for payment), and Sunday (8:30 – 10:30 AM for final pickup). If you would like to help in the Silent Auction room, please select some time blocks you would be available.

Panel Room Timekeeper/Monitor
Sign up for a shift managing a panel room. We need lots of volunteers for this fun job. Responsibilities include picking up the Panel Packet and arranging the panelist name tents before the panel, holding up signs so the Panel Moderator knows how much time is left before the end of the panel, and escorting the panelists to the signing space after the panel. Written instructions will be provided. If you are interested, please look over the Panel Schedule and send a list of some panels you would like to help with. Please include a maximum number of panels if you are sending several possibilities.

Book Signings
Sign up for a shift helping Book Signing Captain Linda McNab with the author signings following each panel. Duties include placing signage, greeting and directing authors to their seats, and managing lines to avoid congestion. We need volunteers for one-hour shifts on Thursday (12:15–3:45 PM), Friday (9:30 AM – 4:15 PM), Saturday (9:30 AM – 4:15 PM), Sunday (9:15–11:30 AM). If you would like to help with the Book Signings, please specify some time blocks you would be available.

Thursday Evening:
Charlie Chan Movie Night

At 8:00 PM on Thursday, join Charlie Chan specialists Rochelle Staab and Les Blatt for “The Black Camel” (1931) and “Charlie Chan in Honolulu” (1938). The honorable detective was based on a real-life Honolulu Police officer named Chang Apana who patrolled Chinatown with a bull whip, often collaring more than 20 miscreants with no backup. Apana, a Hawaiian of Chinese ancestry, was the inspiration for six books by Earl Derr Biggers and 47 movies, none of which had the star played by an actor of Asian ancestry.

Friday Evening: Homicide and Hibiscus

A Fundraiser for Read Aloud America, the Honolulu Havoc Literacy Charity

It’s the 1930s, a man’s body has been found, and Charlie Chan is on the scene. Suspects include his wife, his business partner, his secretary, his mistress, and a nosy neighbor. Come inspect the crime scene, read the police and coroner’s reports, interview the suspects, and consult with the great detective before casting your vote for the murderer. And don’t be surprised if some suspects look familiar!
$10 recommended donation

2017 Quilt Raffle

Each year Pam Dehnke and Vallery Feldman create a unique quilt to commemorate the Left Coast Crime Convention, signed by all the Guests of Honor. All raffle proceeds for the 2017 Quilt raffle will go to Read Aloud America. Raffle tickets will be available in the Silent Auction Room from Thursday through Saturday. The winning raffle ticket will be drawn during the Awards Banquet on Saturday evening.

Hotel Convention Rate Deadline — February 12

The cut-off date for our convention rate of $209 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort is February 12, 2017. Can’t find your hotel code? Email Registrar Stan Ulrich.

Awards Banquet Menu Choices

We are finalizing the menu choices for the Saturday Awards Banquet with the Chef of the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Sometime in the next few weeks you will receive an email asking you to reconfirm your menu choice so we can submit an accurate count. We appreciate your prompt response to the email!

Reminder: Four Opportunities for Authors & Readers

At Left Coast Crime 2017 we are offering four opportunities outside the normal panel and book signings for readers and authors to interact.

Meet the New Authors Breakfast

All authors who have a first mystery, crime, thriller, or suspense novel published between March 1, 2016, and March 19, 2017, are eligible to present at the Meet the New Authors Breakfast, Friday, March 17th, hosted by Mike Befeler and Rochelle Staab.
New Authors: Email Mike Befeler at mikebef@aol.com.
Participants: All LCC registrants are welcome.

Author-Reader Connections

An Author-Reader Connection might include a snack or a drink, a swim at one of the three hotel pools, or a walk together on or near the hotel grounds. These Author-Reader Connections are free, and in some cases may include some special benefits from the authors.
Authors: Email Lucinda Surber for all the details about signing up.
Participants: We have a few Author-Reader Connections set up on our Author-Reader Connections Page. Check back often over the next few weeks to view all the new opportunities. Please sign up for a no more than two Author-Reader Connections, and no more than one per author. If we have extra space closer to the convention, we will let you know that it is OK to sign up for more.

Author Speed-Dating

Author Speed-Dating will take place Thursday March 16, from 9:00–11:00 AM, before the panel programming begins, and is a fun way for authors to connect to a new set of readers. The time frame and setup allows 44 authors to circulate and 160 fans to sit and enjoy the 2-minute pitches. Les and Leslie Blatt will be our Speed-Dating Hosts.
Authors: It appears that we will have plenty of space for all interested authors. Email Lucinda Surber if you would like to date 160 new fans!
Participants: First come, first seated!

Author-Hosted Tables

Partner with another author to host a table at the Lefty Awards Banquet on Saturday, Match 18th. Convention attendees will sign up to sit with you at dinner. Authors: Table favors optional.
Authors: It appears that we will have plenty of space for all interested authors. Partner up with another author to host a table and email Lucinda Surber with both of your names.
Participants: When you register, look for the Author-Hosted Table sign-up sheets near the registration desk.

A Reminder About Book Room Operations

“Traditionally Published” Authors: February 13 Deadline
Barnes & Noble Honolulu will be in the Book Room selling traditionally published books, those returnable through major publishers or distributors like Ingram or Baker & Taylor. Traditionally published authors are asked to submit a list of three titles (including publisher) to our Book Liaison Deb Hardy at debhardy13@gmail.com by February 13. Deb will collate the information and work with B&N to ensure that your books are available.

“Indie-Published” Authors (self and small press)
Dale Johnson of Cross Genre Books, our Book Room manager, will be handling consignment sales for authors published through alternate avenues that are not returnable. Authors will need to bring or ship their own books to the convention. Details about consignment sales are available in the Consignment Form. If you have questions, please contact Cross Genre Books at crossgenrebooks@gmail.com.

Left Coast Crime 2018
Crime on the Comstock

Registration is open for LCC 2018 — March 22–25, 2018 — in Reno, Nevada, at the Nugget Casino Resort! Located in Reno/Sparks, the legendary Nugget Casino Resort is consistently ranked at the top of Reno resorts and Sparks hotels. The Nugget features a free airport shuttle, eight award-winning restaurants, an indoor atrium pool, a gym, and a famous Casino and Bingo Hall. Early Bird Registration: $175 until March 19, 2017 (close of LCC 2017) Register Online Now!

Guests of Honor: Naomi Hirahara & William Kent Krueger
Toastmaster: Todd Borg
Ghost of Honor: Mark Twain (McAvoy Layne)

Our convention rate is about $82 for the convention nights in the newly remodeled West Tower, plus three nights before and after the convention (subject to availability) so you can extend your stay in Nevada. Our convention room rate is fixed at $69 plus a mandatory daily resort fee (currently $12.50), which includes wireless Internet in guest rooms, round-trip shuttle transportation from the Reno-Tahoe International Airport, Atrium Pool and Fitness Center access, and valet and self-parking in the Nugget’s secure covered parking structure.

Visit the LCC 2018 website for more information about Crime on the Comstock.

Left Coast Crime 2019
Whale of a Crime

Left Coast Crime 2019 will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver, March 28–31, 2019. Co-chairs Colleen Glynn and Linda McNab are hard at work planning for the convention. Stop by the Future LCCs Table near registration in Honolulu and learn more about Whale of a Crime.
If you are interested in learning more about hosting or helping with a future Left Coast Crime Convention, please let us know! The LCC Standing Committee would love to help you with your bid and answer all your questions. You will receive all the support you need.

: What does a hard boiled egg cost?
Answer: $4.51 each!