Crime on the Comstock News: March 2018
Welcome to all our new registrants since the last newsletter. Only 13 more days until Left Coast Crime in Reno, Nevada!
Thank you to our generous sponsors!
Banquet Menu Choice
When you registered you picked among three entrées for the Awards Banquet. We just sent out an email asking you to confirm whether you still plan to attend, and if so, to let us know if you would like to change your earlier selection. We need to place our orders with the hotel very soon, so please respond promptly. If you are happy with your selection, you don’t need to respond to the email. We didn’t ask for confirmation for extra banquet tickets, but rest assured that ticket will be in your registration envelope. If you have questions or want to change your extra banquet ticket choice, email Registrar Stan Ulrich
Left Coast Crime 101
Here are some hints to help you enjoy the convention.
Registration: Early registration will open on Wednesday from 3:00–5:00 PM. The registration table will be open beginning at 8:30 AM on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and remain open for most of the day for registration and to answer any questions.
Materials: When you register you will receive an envelope with your name tag, Lefty Awards ballot, and your Banquet ticket. Inside your book bag you will find a Name Tag Holder, the Program Book, a Pocket Program that will fit inside your Name Tag Holder, and of course several books. It's a good idea to tuck your Banquet ticket inside your Name Tag Holder so you don’t lose it!
Please wear your Name Tag at ALL times during the convention. It is your ticket into all the events and helps us all get to know each other.
Have Questions? Need help during the convention? Visit the LCC Registration Table in the Nugget Foyer or ask any of the Crime of the Comstock Committee folks who are wearing Sheriff stars, like Spot McKenna. We want to help!
Book Exchange Table: Somewhere in the Nugget Foyer you will find an Exchange Table. If you receive a book or magazine you've already read, please place it on the Exchange Table and help yourself to anything you find there!
Promotional Materials Table: Also in the Nugget Foyer you will find a table to place bookmarks, postcards, or other promotional materials, AKA swag. (Please do not place promotional materials on the Exchange Table. It will be removed.)
Voting: Don’t forget to deposit your Lefty Award Ballot in the Ballot Box at Registration by 1:30 PM on Saturday. The Awards will be presented at the Banquet on Saturday evening.
LCC 101 Panel: Come to the
Left Coast Crime 101 panel on Thursday at Noon in Sierra 2 for more tips about enjoying the convention from experienced LCC attendees, and
How You Can Be Part of Left Coast Crime! on Sunday morning to learn how to become more involved in future LCCs.
Volunteer: Stop by the Volunteer Table and volunteer! It's a great way to make new friends while helping our all volunteer-run convention. Please check our (constantly changing)
online list of Volunteer Needs and email
Volunteer Coordinator Lucinda Surber with the Volunteer Job(s) you would like along with some times you are available.
Don’t be shy! Introduce yourself to those sitting next to you at a panel, standing in line to get a book signed, browsing in the Book Room, or enjoying a cup of coffee in the Hospitality Corral, and share your passion for crime fiction!
Reminder: Opportunities for Authors & Fans
At Left Coast Crime 2018 we are offering several opportunities outside the normal panels and book signings for readers and authors to interact.
Author-Reader Connections
Interested in a lively talk with an author? Visit our
Author-Reader Connections Page to sign up for a free author-hosted event. Don’t sign up for
no more than two Author-Reader Connections, and
no more than one per author. (Authors: there is still time to set up a Connection. Email
Lucinda for information.)
Author Speed-Dating
Author Speed-Dating will take place in Nugget 1 on Thursday March 22, from 9:00–11:00 AM, before the panel programming begins, and is a fun and crazy way for authors to connect to a new set of readers. The time-frame and setup allows 40 authors to circulate and 144 fans to sit and enjoy the 2-minute pitches. Les and Leslie Blatt will be our Speed-Dating Hosts.
Author-Hosted Tables
When you register, look for the Author-Hosted Table sign-up sheets near Registration and sign up to sit at an Author's Table during the Awards Banquet on Saturday evening. There will also be open tables. (Authors, we have some available tables. Find a partner and email
Lucinda to host a table.)
One Shots & You Had Me At…
One Shots and
You Had Me At events
will alternate in Cascade 3-4 throughout the day on Friday and Saturday. There will be a five-minute break between the 15-minute presentations and 5-minute readings. Drop by and stay as long as you like! (
- One Shots
Fifteen minute presentations by authors and attendees with interesting information or specializations they’d like to share.
- You Had Me At…
Readers! Time to meet new authors. Authors read the first page of their novel, novella, or short story — just enough to provide a respite from the busy conference.
Side Trips
Patty’s Tours, a local tour operator, is still accepting reservations for the three optional side trips before and after the convention. If a tour does not meet the minimum set by the tour operator it will be cancelled.
Here are all the details.
Left Coast Crime 2019:
Whale of a Crime
March 28–31, 2019, at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Guests of Honour: C.J. Box & Maureen Jennings
Fan Guests of Honour: Don & Jen Longmuir
Toastmaster: Cathy Ace
Visit the Whale of a Crime website for all the details and to register.