Whale of a Crime Newsletter: February 2019

Welcome to all our new registrants since the last newsletter. Only seven more weeks until Left Coast Crime in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada!

Don’t forget to check your passport expiration date! Visit our Hotel & Travel page for more information about traveling to Canada.

The Panels are Here!

We are thrilled to announce that we have posted the Hopefully Final Panel Schedule and the schedule for One Shots and You Had Me At readings. Panel Chairs Chantelle Aimée Osman and Jay Stringer, along with their minions, have worked endless hours putting together a wonderful program for LCC 2019. Our goal is to make sure the LCC audience is entertained and informed. If you have any questions about the Panels, One Shots, or You Had Me At… please email Chantelle Aimée Osman.

Whale of a Crime Events

At Left Coast Crime 2019 we are offering four opportunities outside the normal panel and book signings for authors and readers to interact.

Meet the New Authors Breakfast
Authors who have a first mystery, crime, thriller, or suspense novel published between January 1, 2018, and March 31, 2019, and did not present last year at LCC 2018 in Reno, are eligible to present at the Meet the New Authors Breakfast, Friday, March 29th, hosted by Mike Befeler.
New Authors: Email Mike Befeler with your title and publication date
Participants: All LCC registrants are welcome.

Author Speed-Dating
Author Speed-Dating will take place Thursday, March 28, from 9:00–11:00 AM, before the panel programming begins, and is a fun way for authors to connect to a new set of readers. The time frame and setup allows 40 authors to circulate in pairs and 144 fans to relax and enjoy the 2-minute pitches. Les and Leslie Blatt will be our Speed-Dating Hosts.
Authors: Our Speed Dating roster is now full and all participating authors have been notified. Please email Lucinda Surber if you would like to be placed on the Waiting List.
Participants: First come, first seated!

Author-Hosted Tables
Partner with another author to host a table at the Lefty Awards Banquet on Saturday, March 30th. Convention attendees will sign up to sit with you at dinner. Table favors optional.
Author-Hosts: Email Lucinda Surber with BOTH of your names and email addresses. You will receive a return email with more information.
Participants: When you register, look for the Author-Hosted Table signup sheets near Registration.

Author-Reader Connections
One of the best things about Left Coast Crime is the chance to get to know your fellow readers and writers. But sometimes, during the excitement and flurry of activities, it’s not always easy to find time to meet your favorite writer. For Left Coast Crime 2015: Crimelandia, Co-Chair Bill Cameron launched Author-Reader Connections to provide an easy forum for readers and authors to enjoy some time together. An Author-Reader Connection might include a snack or a drink, or a walk together near the hotel. These Author-Reader Connections are free, and in some cases may include some special benefits from the authors.
Authors: Author-Reader Connections are open to all authors. Email Lucinda Surber for all the information about setting up a Connection.
Participants: Now that the panel schedule has been released, Author-Reader Connections will be posted as soon as they are finalized, so check back often for new offerings. Please remember that only registered attendees can sign up for Connections. Attendees may sign up for a maximum of two Connections, and no more than one per author. Sign up for Author-Reader Connections on our Connections page.

Whale of a Crime Needs You!

As an all-volunteer organization, LCC can’t run conventions without volunteers like you! Emails have gone out to all who expressed interest in volunteering when they registered, but there are plenty of volunteer opportunities for everyone. To volunteer for any of the opportunities listed below, please email Volunteer Coordinator Lucinda Surber with the Volunteer Job(s) you would like along with some times you are available.

Sign up for a two-hour shift helping Registrar Stan Ulrich and Registration Captain Dotty Morefield manage the registration table. We need both experienced Registration volunteers and those who have never done this fun job of welcoming convention registrants and handing out the envelopes and book bags. We need volunteers for two-hour shifts on Wednesday (3:00-5:00 PM), Thursday (8:30 AM – 5:00 PM), Friday (8:30 AM – 4:00 PM), Saturday (8:30 AM – 4:00 PM), Sunday (8:30–10:30 AM). If you would like to volunteer for Registration, please note some time blocks you would be available.

Volunteer Table
Sign up for a two-hour shift helping Volunteer Coordinator Lucinda Surber distribute and collect Panel Room Packets and fill in for any volunteers who don’t show up. We need volunteers for two-hour shifts on Thursday (10:00 AM – 4:00 PM), Friday (9:00 AM – 4:00 PM), Saturday (9:00 AM – 4:00 PM), Sunday (8:30 – 10:30 AM). If you would like to help out at the Volunteer Table, please specify some time blocks you would be available.

Author-Hosted Table Sign-Ups
Sign up for a two-hour shift to help Author-Hosted Table Captains Fran Vella, Sara Bowling, and Laurie Sheehan help people choose the Author-Hosted Table they would like to join. We need volunteers for two-hour shifts on Wednesday (3:00 – 5:00 PM), Thursday (8:30 AM – 4:30 PM), and Friday (8:30 AM – 12:30 PM). If you would like to help with Author-Hosted Table sign-ups, please note some time blocks you would be available.

Panel Room Timekeeper/Monitor
Sign up for a shift managing a panel room. We need 68 volunteers for this fun and important job. Responsibilities include picking up the Panel Packet and arranging the panelist name tents before the panel, holding up signs so the Panel Moderator knows how much time is left before the end of the panel, and escorting the panelists to the signing space after the panel. Written instructions will be provided. If you are interested, please look over the Panel Schedule and send a list of some panels you would like to help with. Please include a maximum number of panels if you are sending several possibilities.

Book Signings
Sign up for a shift helping Book Signing Captains Laurie McNab & Craig Kellam with the author signings following each panel. Duties include placing signage, greeting and directing authors to their seats, and managing lines to avoid congestion. We need volunteers for one-hour shifts on Thursday (12:15–3:45 PM), Friday (9:15 AM – 5:15 PM), Saturday (9:15 AM – 4:00 PM), Sunday (9:15–11:30 AM). If you would like to help with the Book Signings, please specify some time blocks you would be available.

Silent Auction

Each Left Coast Crime Convention raises money to support a local literacy organization with funds raised through a silent and live auction and the annual Quilt Raffle. Whale of a Crime’s auction recipient is ONE TO ONE, a unique children’s literacy program that provides one-to-one tutoring to children in elementary schools during regular school hours. Trained volunteer tutors work with students who are identified by their teachers as needing a boost in their literacy skills. Typically, each student spends approximately 30 minutes two to four times a week with a volunteer tutor. ONE TO ONE provides these children with an opportunity to practice their reading in an environment where it is okay to take risks, make mistakes, and learn at their own pace.

All proceeds from Left Coast Crime 2019’s auctions go to ONE TO ONE. Anyone — reader, writer, bookseller, librarian, blogger — may donate an item or two to the silent auction. A few of you are probably working on your auction donations right now — it’s a good excuse not to do actual work! You can either mail your Silent Auction donations to yourself at the hotel or bring them with you. [Hyatt mailing information] We’ll be setting up the Silent Auction Room on Thursday morning, but we will accept donations on Friday as well.

Questions? Email Auction Chair Pam Fairweather Thomson

Looking for a Hotel Roommate?

Noemi Levine is our Roommate Liaison. Email Noemi if you would like to be matched with a roommate and share a hotel room.

Author Couch Surfing

Vancouver author Sam Wiebe has offered to match up local authors willing to host a visiting author during the convention. In search of a couch or a local with a couch or spare room to offer? Please email Sam Weibe to be matched up. [Dog optional]

Book Room Operations at Whale of a Crime

All authors at LCC 2019 will have the opportunity to have books for sale in the Book Room. Fan Guest of Honour Don Longmuir of Scene of the Crime Books is our Book Room Chair.

“Traditionally Published” Authors
Black Bond Books, a Vancouver independent bookstore, will be in the Book Room selling traditionally published books, those returnable through major publishers or distributors. Traditionally-published authors MUST submit titles of 1-3 books for Black Bond Books to consider selling in the Book Room using this online form. The DEADLINE to submit the form is Monday, February 11.

“Indie-Published” Authors (self published and small press)
Cross Genre Books will be handling consignment sales for authors published through alternate avenues that are not returnable. Consignment authors (self and small press) will need to bring or ship books to the convention. For details about consignment sales and the hotel address, visit our Book Room webpage. If you have consignment questions, please email Cross Genre Books.

Advertise in the Whale of a Crime Program Book

Attention Authors! Please encourage your publisher to advertise in the Left Coast Crime Program Book. There are sizes and prices for every budget. Don’t be left out! The deadline for reserving ad space is February 15, 2019. Details and Ad Form

Writing Workshop: Hollywood North

Time is running out to sign up for the optional Writing Workshop scheduled for Wednesday, March 27, 2019, from 9:00 AM to Noon, at the convention hotel, the Hyatt Regency Vancouver. Workshop registration numbers are low. If we do not meet the minimum enrollment by mid-February, the workshop will be cancelled so potential participants have time to rearrange their plans.

Cost: $75 CAD for LCC registrants, $100 CAD for non-LCC registrants
More Information and Registration Link

Left Coast Crime 2020: San Diego

Registration is Now Open!
When: March 12–15, 2020
Where: San Diego Marriott Mission Valley

Guest of Honor: Rachel Howzell Hall
Guest of Honor: T. Jefferson Parker
Toastmaster: Matt Coyle
Fan Guest of Honor: Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore
Visit the Murder’s a Beach website for all the details and to register.