Left Coast Crime
Book Room



Download LCC newsletters (PDF):
June 2007
July 2007
September 2007
October 2007
December 2007

March 28, 2008

Photos taken at the convention:


Hawaiian Runway Competition winner Tiffany Schofield

Hawaiian Runway Competition judges T.L. Cooper, Joanne Pence and Rhys Bowen


February 8, 2008

Pam Dehnke and Vallery Feldman have made another beautiful quilt for raffling at the convention! The name of the pattern is Moon Over the Mountains in honor of Denver and its mountains.



January 16, 2008

Going to the banquet? Please let us know your menu choice! Selections are listed here.


January 15, 2008

If you will be shipping materials to the convention hotel, please read these instructions.


January 7, 2008

Check out the Left Coast Crime video trailer!


September 12, 2007

Special Trips and Sessions have just been posted on the Program page.


June 10, 2007

Hi again, from the Mile High City!

I have 2 subjects to tackle today so I'll address the most important one first... Dealing with our higher altitude. While most folks traveling to High Country stop in Denver for a day or so to adjust to thinner air and colder temps, Denver is not immune from causing altitude sickness either. Some of the symptoms could be:

  • Headaches, breathlessness, fatigue, dizziness
  • Decreased appetite
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Inability to sleep
  • Swelling of the face, hands and feet
  • Social withdrawal

photoHere are things to keep in mind about being a mile higher than you are used to:

  • Drink lots of water. Carry bottled water wherever you go so you are constantly hydrated.
  • If you want to vist higher altitudes, spend some time in Denver first before going to Ski Resorts, etc. Adjusting to Mile High is a key to avoiding HAS as you move higher.
  • That Jameson's or Macallans is going to hit you harder in Denver, that's a promise! Alcohol effects you quicker and stronger here.
  • If you feel woozey or shakey, get rested ASAP. It will take a while to feel steadier up here.
  • You will get tired more quickly your first day or so. Keep that in mind if you want to take nature walks up high. Also be aware of your surroundings. The animals came first in the mountains. If you are hiking, you could encounter rattlesnakes in the foothills if it is really warm, as well as mountain lion, coyotes and elk. (Bear should still be hiberating.) They are wild, so be cautious. A pissed off elk can be as dangerous as a puma!!!
  • Perversely, you may feel more energized here the first day or two, then BAM! You can crash because you have over-exerted and not hydrated or eaten correctly! Take it into your planning!
  • A diet high in complex carbohydrates is generally thought to be best for high altitudes. Eat well and often. Don't worry about diets... you automatically work the extra off up here.
  • Be sure to have your headache medicine of choice on hand. And some people swear that Tums or Rolaids help in balancing the PH levels in your systems.

Enough of the Tech-stuff... on to the fun.

There are several Hotels near our Adams Mark headquarters that are dying to pamper those of you who want to bring their pooches to Denver with you. Two of them, the Hotel Teatro and the Oxford Hotel, happen to be among the great old Denver Hotels from the 1800 Glory Days of Denver. You walk in and you are instantly surrounded by the ghosts of High Rollers, Courtesans and Politicos of bygone days. I visited the Oxford last weekend and the charm was breath-taking. These Hotels not only want to pamper you but adore your pets as well. The Teatro's own Concierges will walk your babies for you, while the Oxford can get a walker hired for you. Both have contacts for doggie massages and doggie pedicurists, provide treats and the Oxford provides dog-bowls as well. They sound like the animals that visit are as spoiled as their patrons. They are pricey... you will be surrounded by antiques, fine decor and lovely art during your stay... but they are truly small gems polished by a century and a half of love and care. Beautiful! The Teatro's two restaurants are run by celebrity chef Kevin Taylor. One is French/American cuisine and The Prima is a Northern Italian Bistro that also sports a bar. Sound like great alternatives to the Adams Mark if you want a slice of Old Denver to remember back at home.

Next time, I will bring news of Haunted Denver Tours and Denver's Hidden Tunnels, created for the rich Politicos to discreetly visit the bawdy houses and gambling dens on Capitol Hill!!!

D.A. Davenport


June 8, 2007

We're delighted to announce that Elaine Viets has confirmed she'll be the LCC 2008 Toastmaster. This is wonderful news. We’re in awe of her quick and successful recovery!

Hello, and welcome to the Rockies!

I may be a bit prejudiced since I live here, but this is a great setting for LCC 2008.

LODOI toured the public areas of The Adam's Mark Hotel on Saturday and that place is going to knock your socks off. The Lobby takes your breath away as you enter. Excellent restaurant and a large, lovely bar. The Hotel is located at the South side of the open-air 16th Street mall that stretches at least 10 to 12 blocks long which is bracketed by Barnes and Noble, 1 block away and the LODO (Lower-Downtown) branch of the world-famous Tattered Cover Bookstore, perfect for this crew of Book-a-holics. Branching off from there down Blake St. and Wazee St., and running the length of the Mall as well, are amazing nightclubs and cigar bars, pubs, restaurants and eateries, shops and a movie theater. And to get you there, if you don't want to walk, is a free shuttle bus that travels the entire mall, well into the night.

Remember, bring clothing to keep you warm. Layers are the way to go and one really warm coat with gloves, just in case. One minute our March days are lovely, but the next second a cloud cover could begin and it will drop between 10 and 20 degrees and it's snowing like a maniac. Ya never know!

I am looking forward to being your vitual tour-guide for the next nine months. I'll be talking about high altitude and hotels that cater to your doggies next, for those of us who can't bear to leave Asta behind!

See you soon,

D. A. Davenport


Photos: Denver Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau

Logo by Mario Acevedo