Left Coast Crime Sponsorship Opportunities
Left Coast Crime encourages organizations to sponsor a variety of events such as the Opening Reception, the Awards Brunch, the Meet the New Authors breakfast, champagne to make the Awards Banquet more festive, and the hospitality suite.
Other options include sponsoring one of our Guests of Honor or supporting Left Coast Crime by sponsoring products such as the conference book bag, conference name badge holder, or water bottle.
Please contact Lucinda Surber if you are interested in learning more about our sponsorship opportunities.
Books for Book Bags
We are happy to accept crime fiction and non-fiction for distribution in the book bags. There is no charge, but you will need to ship the books to the event in late February or early March. Any quantity is accepted. We prefer not to have 600 copies of a single title; multiple titles are recommended if you would like to place a book in every bag. In order to make book distribution work for both the participants (who will love receiving your books) and the booksellers (who will plan to bring different books to sell) we ask that you provide our Book Coordinator with the title(s) and number of current releases you would like distributed. If interested, please contact Bill Cameron or LJ Sellers.