Left Coast Crime 2021

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Volunteering at Left Coast Crime

Volunteers are the backbone of Left Coast Crime. If you’re looking for a way to have fun, meet fellow mystery lovers, and contribute to the Left Coast Crime convention — volunteer! Please check the box on the registration form when you register if you are interested in helping with Left Coast Crime 2023. (You must be registered for the convention to volunteer.) If you forget to check the box, a general Call for Volunteers will go out in our newsletter sometime in February 2023, after the panel schedule is announced. Below are some Volunteer jobs for your consideration.

Book Bag Helper
[TUE–WED] Sign up to help Book Bag Captain Lucinda Surber unpack boxes on Tuesday and pack books in tote bags on Wednesday.
Activity Level: High (Tuesday), Moderate (Wednesday)

Registration Captain: Dotty Morefield
[WED–SUN] The Registration Captain works with the Registrar to manage the Registration Table throughout the convention.

Registration Helper
[THU–SAT] Sign up for a two-hour shift handing out registration envelopes and tote bags to arriving attendees. No experience required!
Activity Level: Low to Moderate

Speed Dating Helper
[THU] Sign up to help manage the lines and setup for Speed Dating from 8:00–9:00 AM on Thursday morning.
Activity Level: Low to Moderate

Silent Auction / Hospitality Room Monitor
[THU–SUN] Sign up for a shift monitoring the hospitality room and Silent Auction Items. Responsibilities include keeping an eye on the Silent Auction items and answering questions, making sure that the hotel staff removes trash, the room and tables are kept neat and tidy, and beverages are restocked as needed. Make attendees feel welcome and comfortable.
Activity Level: Moderate

Panel Room Volunteer
[THU–SUN] Sign up for a shift managing a panel room. Responsibilities include making sure the hotel staff has picked up trash, holding up signs so the panel moderator knows how much time is left before the end of the program, and escorting the panelists to the signing space after the panel. Written instructions will be provided.
Activity Level: Low

Book Signing Captain
[THU–SUN] The Book Signing Room Captain is responsible for overseeing room set-up and directing authors, volunteers, and fans.
Activity Level: Moderate

Book-Signing Assistant
[THU–SUN] Sign up for a shift helping the Book Signing Room Captain. Duties include placing signage, greeting and directing authors to their seats, and managing lines to avoid congestion.
Activity Level: Moderate

Awards Banquet Volunteer Coordinator
[SAT] Take responsibility for organizing the Awards Banquet volunteers placed at the doors and inside to help people find their seats on Saturday. Minimal advance work confirming volunteers by email.
Activity Level: Moderate

Awards Banquet Volunteers
[SAT] Work with Awards Banquet Coordinator to welcome people at the doors and help them find their seats at the Awards Banquet on Saturday.
Activity Level: Moderate