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Ghost of Honor Winn Bundy

Winn Bundy

Winifred “Winn” Bundy (1930-2020) opened a bookshop on her remote Singing Wind Ranch in 1974 to celebrate her love of the unique literature of the Southwest. Against all odds, the tiny Singing Wind bookshop made money, though Winn refused to take charge cards or sell books online. Instead, she served homemade brownies and held annual fiestas featuring readings by authors. The bookshop on the working cattle ranch near Benson, Arizona, was never locked. Visitors browsed the shelves and rang the bell out front when they were ready to pay. Winn would come running to take money and hand-write a receipt.

Singing Wind Bookshop owner, ‘force of nature’ Winn Bundy dies at 90 (tucson.com. October 21, 2020)
The next chapter for this longtime Southern Arizona bookstore is unknown (Arizona Daily Star, March 25, 2021)
A Bookshop at the End of the World (6 minute YouTube video)

Singing Wind