Left Coast Crime welcomes all authors, aspiring authors, industry professionals, readers, and mystery fans of every stripe. Our purpose is to host an event where readers, authors, critics, librarians, publishers, and other fans can gather in convivial surroundings to pursue their mutual interests.
Left Coast Crime cannot guarantee a panel assignment to anyone. There are a limited number of panel slots, and our Panel Committee has a challenging job deciding how to fill them.
Traditionally published authors, and those who have been nominated for established mystery awards, will be given priority panel placement. Ideally, authors must have had at least one mystery novel, or one nonfiction mystery book, or three mystery short stories traditionally published before the start of each yearly convention.
“Traditionally published authors” are authors who do not pay any costs associated with the publication of their books, and authors who are published by a company that publishes at least three authors other than the publisher, members of the publisher’s family, or staff of the publishing company, does not guarantee publication of all submissions, and provides editorial support to its authors.
“Established mystery awards” are the Agatha, Anthony, Arthur Ellis, Barry, Dagger, Dilys, Edgar, Hammett, Lefty, Macavity, Nero, and Shamus Awards.
Industry professionals (such as publishers and publicists), librarians, bloggers, reviewers, and other fans will also be considered for panel placement, typically as moderators, or on special-themed panels.
Whether or not an author has a panel assignment, any author (traditionally or non-traditionally published) can choose to participate in opportunities to connect with readers outside the regular panel schedule: Author Speed-Dating, Meet the New Authors Breakfast, Author-Reader Connections, Banquet Table Host, etc. Information about signing up for these events will appear in newsletters leading up to each convention. |