Left Coast Crime

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Left Coast Crime is an annual mystery convention sponsored by mystery fans, both readers and authors. LCC is held during the first third of the year in Western North America. (For details and a map, see LCC Geographic Region.) Conventions have been held from Anchorage to El Paso, from Denver to Hawaii, and various locations in between.

Our purpose is to host an event where readers, authors, critics, librarians, publishers, and other fans can gather in convivial surroundings to pursue their mutual interests.

Left Coast Crime is an all-volunteer organization — neither the members of the Standing Committee nor members of each annual convention committee are paid. LCC is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Each Left Coast Crime Convention raises money to support a local literacy organization with funds collected through silent and live auctions, and the annual Quilt Raffle.

Raven Award from Mystery Writers of America
We are all agog here at Left Coast Crime by the news that we have been awarded the 2020 Raven Award by Mystery Writers of America, given annually to recognize outstanding achievement in the mystery field outside the realm of creative writing. Our thanks to the hordes of volunteers and the amazing teamwork of the local and national committees that have allowed us continue the Left Coast Crime tradition. We are truly thrilled and honored to be recognized by MWA!

Left Coast Crime Scholarships
Left Coast Crime has established a Scholarship Fund for those who wish to support Left Coast Crime. Donations in any amount may be made to the general Scholarship Fund or specified for the Authors & Aspiring Authors Scholarship or the Noemi Levine Memorial Fan Scholarship (readers, bloggers, librarians, etc.). To donate with your credit card (via PayPal) click the Donate button. Use the “Optional: Use this donation for …” dropdown field to choose a specific scholarship fund.

2025: Denver, Colorado
Westin Denver Downtown
March 13–16, 2025
2026: San Francisco, California
Hyatt Regency San Francisco
February 26–March 3, 2026