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Pay for Left Coast Crime advertising or sponsorships via PayPal (major credit cards accepted):
LEFT COAST CRIME is an annual mystery convention sponsored by and for mystery fans. It is held during the first quarter of the calendar year in Western North America, from the Mountain Time Zone westward to Hawaii. The LCC 2009 conference will be at the Marriott Waikoloa Resort on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Your tax-deductible gift to Left Coast Crime Convention, Inc. will enable us to help Hawaiians with donations to the Kona Literacy Program.
Join us, and become a Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum sponsor (name tags are color coded for recognition):
Bronze Status Sponsorship – $1,000
- Your Company Name & Logo will be printed on all written material, including the Program Book provided to all attendees.
- A link from our website to yours, available to all who visit the LCC 2009 site.
Silver Status Sponsorship – $3,000
- Your Company Name & Logo will be printed on all written material, including the Program Book provided to all attendees.
- A link from our website to yours, available to all who visit the LCC 2009 site.
- Handouts (brochures, flyers etc) that you provide will be included in the conference bags for all attendees.
- One free entrance to the conference.
- Your name featured at an event, where you will be honored by the emcee.
- Be prepared to take a bow.
Gold Status Sponsorship – $5,000
- Your Company Name & Logo will be printed on all written material, including the Program Book provided to all attendees.
- A link from our website to yours, available to all who visit the LCC 2009 site.
- Two free admissions to the conference.
- One free night at the Waikoloa Beach Resort, site of the conference.
- Your company name will be displayed at the event, and your business information distributed.
- You and/or your company will be highlighted as the sponsor of one of our events.
- Be prepared to take a bow.
Platinum Status Sponsorship – $10,000
- Your Company Name & Logo will be printed on all written material, including the Program Book provided to all attendees.
- A link from our website to yours, available to all who visit the LCC 2009 site.
- Limousine pickup at the airport.
- One free night at the Waikoloa Beach Resort, site of the conference.
- Two free admissions to the conference.
- A platinum badge will show everyone your outstanding support.
- Your company name will be displayed at the event, and your business information distributed.
- You will be honored as the sponsor of the main event, the Awards Brunch, where you will be our honored guests with front row seats at the head table.
- And, yes, be prepared to take a bow.
Individual donations are also appreciated. All donations can be sent Noemi Levine, Left Coast Crime 2009, 2625 Alcatraz Ave. #331, Berkeley, CA 94705
To speak with one of our conference chairs or for answers to your questions, please contact Bill or Toby Gottfried at wggmd@gottfried.org
Program Book Advertising:
We at Left Coast Crime 2009 invite you to honor your mystery fiction and non fiction authors with an advertisement in our Left Coast Crime 2009 Convention Program. More than 400 mystery readers, authors, publishers, agents and media are expected at this annual non-profit event, to be held March 7-12, 2009, at the beautiful Waikoloa Beach Resort (a Marriott resort) on the Big Island of Hawaii.
The program book will be 80-90 pages of information about the convention, the area, and biographical sketches and pictures of the authors and other participants.
Guests of honor are acclaimed authors Rhys Bowen and Barry Eisler. The toastmaster will be Lee Goldberg.
The advertisement rates for ads are as follows:
Back outside cover: $2000 – full color
Front inside cover: $1500 – full color
Back inside cover: $1500 – full color
Full Page: $750 – black and white
Half Page: $500 – black and white
Quarter Page: $250 – black and white
Business size: $75 – black and white (approx. business card size, to be adjusted as necessary for page formatting.)
Your advertisement not only honors your authors. In addition to covering publication costs, funds raised will be donated to The Kona Literacy Council.
Send your photo ready copy of your advertisement with your payment in full, as soon as possible. Please make your check payable to Left Coast Crime Conference, Inc. Send the check, with ad copy, to Margaret Howland, 12 Pinehurst Green Way, Greenville, SC, 29609, or send the ad copy in a .jpg file via email to howlanma@yahoo.com.
Online registration
Registration fee: $225
Day Passes & Guest Passes on sale now!
You can also send a check to:
Left Coast Crime 2009
2625 Alcatraz Ave #331
Berkeley, CA 94705
Printable registration form
Registering by mail?
Be sure to let us know
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