Hawaii 2009 Book Contest
Mahalo nui loa to the generous authors who have supported Left Coast Crime
2009 by donating their books for these drawings. You're the best!

Leo Silverpaw selects the winner of the grande finale drawing... Maybe there
was a little catnip involved.
We are pleased to announce that the winner of the grand finale drawing is
Lucinda Surber.
The question was "How do you say 'thank you' in Hawaiian?" Lucinda gave us
the correct answer (MAHALO).
Lucinda will receive: a signed paperback of Barry Eisler's Rain Fall; an uncorrected proof of Lee Goldberg's Mr. Monk is Miserable; a signed hardcover of Michael Dymmoch's The Cymry Ring; a signed hardcover of Michael Dymmoch's White Tiger; an unsigned hardcover of N.M. Kelby's Murder at the Bad Girl's Bar & Grill; a signed hardcover of Vicki Delaney's In the Shadow of the Glacier; and an unsigned ARC of Rebecca Cantrell's A Trace of Smoke.
Contest #12:
The winner of the January 31, 2009 drawing, Diane Klechefski (selected by my literary cat Leo Silverpaw), correctly told us that KANE and WAHINE are two Hawaiian words you should remember because... you may need to use a bathroom in Hawaii. Kane is the Hawaiian word for MAN and Wahine is the word for WOMAN.
Diane has won five autographed books: Barry Eisler's hardcover Requiem for an Assassin, Eileen Dreyer's paperback Bad Medicine, Judy Clemens's paperback The Day Will Come, Michael Dymmoch's hardcover Death In West Wheeling, and Sheila Simonson's trade paperback of Buffalo Bill's Defunct.
Contest #11:
The winner of the December 31 drawing, Carol Mintz, told us correctly that the NĒNĒ is a species of GOOSE endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Carol received autographed copies of ALL FIVE books: Aileen G. Baron's hardcover, The Gold of Thrace;
Barry Eisler's paperback, Rain Storm;
JJ & Bette Golden Lamb's hardcover, Bone Dry; Michael Dymmoch's hardcover, White Tiger; and Rhys Bowen's paperback, In Dublin's Fair City.
Contest #10:
On November 30, Kimberly Andrew won autographed copies of three books: a hardcover of Michael Allen Dymmoch's Death In West Wheeling, a paperback of Marion Moore Hill's Philadelphia-set Deadly Will, AND a paperback of RJ Harlick's River Runs Orange. Kimberly answered correctly that the name of the Hawaiian goddess of fire, lightning, dance, volcanoes and violence is MADAM PELE.
Contest #9:
The winner of the October 31
drawing, Mysti Berry, told us correctly that the name the type of guitar that is a uniquely Hawaiian folk tradition born in the 1800s and uses loosened strings to create distinctive chords is the SLACK KEY guitar. Mysti received Barry Eisler's paperback of Killing Rain and Don Bruns' hardcover Stuff To Die For.
Contest #8:
The winner of the September 30 drawing, Pat Timpanaro, answered correctly that if you see a sign with KAPU on it in Hawaii, you should stay away, since KAPU means FORBIDDEN. Pat won autographed copies of Margaret Lucke's paperback House of Whispers and Rhys Bowen's hardcover Tell Me, Pretty Maiden.
Contest #7:
The winner of the August 31 drawing, Shirley Mclean, won autographed copies of a paperback of P.A. Brown's mystery thriller L.A. Heat and a hardcover of Aileen G. Baron's The Torch of Tangier. Shirley correctly answered this month's question (Modern Hawaiian history began on January 20, 1778, when the expedition of which famous European captain made first contact with the Hawaiian people?) with the name CAPTAIN COOK.
Contest #6:
The winner of the July 31 drawing was Marlyn Beebe, who responded correctly that the three letter word for a traditional Hawaiian food made from taro root is POI. Marlyn won two Arizona-set books: Louise Ure's hardcover The Fault Tree and a paperback of Twist Phelan's Family Claims.
Contest #5:
The winner of the June 30 drawing was Susan Davco, who told us that the Hawaiian word that means hello, goodbye, and love is ALOHA. Susan received two autographed books: a hardcover of JJ and Bette Golden Lamb's Heir Today and a paperback of Simon Wood's Paying the Piper.
Contest #4:
The winner in the drawing of May 31 was Eileen M. Burbage, who won Eileen Dreyer's paperbacks With a Vengeance and Head Games, and a hardcover copy of Aileen G. Baron's A Fly Has a Hundred Eyes. As Eileen Burbage told us, the Hawaiian island with an active volcano is the BIG ISLAND OF HAWAII. Congratulations, Eileen!
Contest #3 (May 15, 2008):
There were no correct answers to the question: What does Eileen Dreyer's protagonist Maggie O'Brien do when she is stressed? (The answer is SHOP.) We will offer the same books (two autographed books: a paperback of Eileen Dreyer's medico-forensic suspense story Head Games and a hardcover copy of Aileen G. Baron's A Fly Has a Hundred Eyes, set in 1938 Jerusalem) along with an added book in the next drawing.
Contest #2:
On May 1, Penny Tuttle won an autographed hard copy donated by Donna Andrews of The Penguin Who Knew Too Much. The correct answer to the question: Who was Lola in The Penguin Who Knew Too Much? was a BOBCAT who escaped from the zoo.
Contest #1:
The first two drawings (held on April 15) were each for a signed paperback book donated by Guest of Honor Barry Eisler. Pat Reid answered the question for the 1st drawing for the book Hard Rain: What is John Rain's favorite drink? Her correct answer was single malt whiskey. Dave Bennett answered the question for the 2nd drawing for the book The Last Assassin: What is John Rain's primary martial art? His correct answer was judo.
The Hawaiian Shirt & Outfit Contest
WIN a Free Registration to Left Coast Crime 2009 by entering the Hawaiian Shirt & Outfit Contest!!
All REGISTERED Convention attendees are eligible to enter this contest. The winner will receive a free convention registration OR a full refund of his/her 2009 Convention Registration Fee.
To participate, send either a color .jpg photo of your smiling self in an Outlandish Beautiful Hawaiian shirt or outfit (dress, costume?) to: pam@leftcoastcrime.org
or, if you prefer, a picture (any reasonable size) to Bill Gottfried, 10 Rustic Way, Orinda, CA 94563.
A select panel of judges will judge during 2 different time periods (you may have 2 opportunities to apply—but can only win once):
March 1, 2008 to July 1, 2008
July 2, 2008 to October 15, 2008.
Pictures remain ours and are not returnable.
Pictures may be used on our web pages.
The Winner's picture will be posted on our website about 2 weeks after each contest.
GOOD LUCK and don't forget to SMILE.
See photos of the winners of the Hawaiian Costume Contest held at Left Coast Crime-Denver!
Above is the winning photo for our first (March 1-July 1) contest, submitted by Merrill Young. (Click to see a larger version!) Merrill writes: "As you can see, I’m fed up with the rainy BC (British Columbia) weather! Now all I need is a convention pass to go with my hotel reservation..." You've got it, Merrill! Congratulations!!
The winner of our second (July 2-Oct. 15) contest is Beth Groundwater (photo at right; click to enlarge). Congratulations, Beth!
More photos: click on the image to see a larger version.
Row 1: Rose Anne White, Vallery Feldman, LCC committee members (3 & 4), Bill Gottfried, Noemi Levine
Row 2: Roberta Star Hirshson, Toby Gottfried, Marlyn Beebe, Beth Groundwater, Angie Brunton and the Stevens Sisters, Michael Allen Dymmoch
Online registration
Registration fee: $225
Day Passes & Guest Passes on sale now!
You can also send a check to:
Left Coast Crime 2009
2625 Alcatraz Ave #331
Berkeley, CA 94705
Printable registration form
Registering by mail?
Be sure to let us know
you're an author! |
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