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Our chairman, Paul Anik, passed away in January 2009.  LCC 2010 is dedicated to his memory.








     Experience LA



Pre-Registration:  Helper

[SAT] Sign up to help place promotional material in tote bags on Saturday, March 6th, in Palmdale, CA.

Activity Level:  Moderate

Sign up


Book Dealer Room:  Set-up

[WED]  Sign up for a shift assisting book dealers as they unload and set-up upon arrival at the Omni Los Angeles Hotel on Wednesday, March 9th (late afternoon until 6:00 p.m.).

Activity Level:  High

Sign up


Registration Desk:  Registration Staff

[THUR - SUN]  Sign up for a shift checking in registrants.  Volunteers should be computer savvy and comfortable with basic PC operating systems and programs using multiple screens.  Volunteers should be local to Los Angeles and willing to attend pre-conference training sessions.

Activity Level:  Low

Sign up


Registration Desk:  Helper

[THUR - SAT]  Sign up for a shift handing out registration badges and tote bags to arriving attendees.  Out-of-town volunteers could easily perform this job.

Activity Level:  Low to Moderate

Sign up


Information Desk:  Staff

[THUR - SUN]  Sign up for a shift at the information desk.  After receiving instruction from the desk coordinator, greet attendees, pass out information and maps, answer questions.  Represent our community and direct attendees to the sights, shops, and restaurants in Los Angeles and environs.  This job is most suited for Los Angeles area residents.

Activity Level:  Low

Sign up


Hospitality Room:  Monitor

[THU - SUN]  Sign up for a shift monitoring the hospitality room.  Responsibilities include making sure that the hotel staff removes trash and that the room and tables are kept neat and tidy and that food and beverages are restocked as needed.  Make attendees feel welcome and comfortable.  Out-of-town volunteers could easily perform this job.

Activity Level:  Moderate

Sign up


Silent / Live Auction:  Room Monitor

[THU - SAT]  Sign up for a shift monitoring the silent auction room and answering questions.  The room is open Thursday and Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. until noon on Saturday.  Out-of-town volunteers could easily perform this job.

Activity Level:  Low

Sign up


Program Rooms:  Captain

[THU - SUN]  Sign up for a shift managing a program room.  Responsibilities include making sure the hotel staff has picked up trash and that the room is properly set up for the next panel.  Provide clean glasses and water for speakers, greet the audience as they enter the room, and hold up signs so the panel moderator knows how much time is left before the end of the program.  Written instructions will be available for each room.  Out-of-town volunteers could easily perform this job.

Activity Level:  Low

Sign up


Book Signing Room:  Captain

[THU - SUN]  Some pre-conference work available, too.  Sign up to monitor the book-signing room.  You will be responsible for room set-up, signage, and directing authors, volunteers, and fans.  Good organizational and management skills are needed.  Out-of-town volunteers could easily perform this job.

Activity Level:  Moderate

Sign up


Book-Signing Room:  Assistant

[THU - SUN]  Sign up for a shift helping the book-signing room captain.  Duties include placing signage, greeting and directing authors to their seats, and managing lines to avoid congestion.  Out-of-town volunteers could easily perform this job.

Activity Level:  Moderate

Sign up


Coat/Bag Check Room:  Staff

[THU - SUN]  Sign up for a shift monitoring the coat/bag check room and assist with lost and found.  Out-of-town volunteers could easily perform this job.

Activity Level:  Moderate

Sign up


Event Transportation:  Guides

[WED]  After receiving instruction, help direct attendees from the transportation-staging area to the correct transportation for Forensic Science Day off-site event, then travel with the attendees and coordinate the return trip.  Out-of-town volunteers could easily perform this job.

Activity Level:  Moderate

Sign up


Awards:  Vote Tabulation

[FRI - SAT]  Help process the Awards votes Friday evening and Saturday morning.  Out-of-town volunteers could easily perform this job.

Activity Level:  Low

Sign up


Live Auction:  Crowd Control

[SAT]  Assist with directing the crowd to and from the live auction venue.  Out-of-town volunteers could easily perform this job.

Activity Level:  Moderate

Sign up


Live Auction:  Bid Spotter

[SAT]  Spot bids during the live auction.  Out-of-town volunteers could easily perform this job.

Activity Level:  Moderate

Sign up


Live Auction:  Process Payments

[SAT]  Help process winning bids during the live auction.  Out-of-town volunteers could easily perform this job.

Activity Level:  Low

Sign up


Book Dealer Room:  Take-down

[SUN]  Sign up for a shift assisting book dealers as they tear down and load trucks on Sunday, March 14th (noon to 4:00 p.m.).

Activity Level:  High

Sign up