
To email our committee members, substitute "@" for " (at) ".

Co-Chair/Treasurer/Webmaster: Christine Goff
Email: leftcoastcrime2013 (at)
Christine Goff wanted to be a writer from the time she penned her first book, THE HAUNTED MANSION. Well, okay, so she was in third grade and the book was more of a short story. It was still the spark that kindled the flame that fanned a burning desire to one day publish a novel. Several false starts later, she is now the author of the bestselling “Birdwatcher’s Mystery Series,” two of which (A RANT OF RAVENS and DEATH OF A SONGBIRD) were nominated for prestigious Willa Literary Awards and the latest (DEATH OF A SONGBIRD) a Colorado Author's League Best Mystery finalist. Her best promotional idea—a springtime karaoke tour of Tokyo, to coincide with the Japanese release of her second novel. Her new day job, Coordinator of the Colorado Book Awards. Her current work-in-progress, an international thriller set in Israel.

Co-Chair: Suzanne Proulx
Email: leftcoastcrime2013 (at)

Auction: Robert Spiller
Email: rspiller2004 (at)
Robert Spiller is the author of the Bonnie Pinkwater mystery series: The Witch of Agnesi, A Calculated Demise, Irrational Numbers, Radical Equations.  His math teacher/sleuth uses Mathematics and her knowledge of historic mathematicians to solve murders in the small Colorado town of East Plains.  Robert is working on the fifth Bonnie book, Napier's Bones.  Robert lives in Colorado Springs, CO with his wonderful wife Barbara.  His three children and four grandchildren all live within shouting distance.  After thirty five years in the classroom, Robert retired from teaching mathematics this year to write full time.

Awards Co-Chairs: Lucinda Surber & Stan Ulrich
Lucinda is half of Stop, You're Killing Me!—an Anthony award-winning web resource for lovers of mystery, crime, thriller, spy, and suspense books. A former elementary school teacher, Lucinda created Bookworm for Kids—a resource for teachers, parents, grandparents, and all others interested in encouraging children to love reading.
Stan Ulrich, a former lawyer, is half of Stop, You're Killing Me!—an Anthony award-winning web resource for lovers of mystery, crime, thriller, spy, and suspense books.

Volunteer Chair/Panel Room Coordinator: Lucinda Surber
Email: volunteer4lcc (at)

Author Breakfast Chair: Mike Befeler
Email: mikebef (at)
In the May, 2008, issue of the AARP Bulletin Mike Befeler was identified as one of four authors in a new emerging mystery sub-genre. Harlan Coben, president of Mystery Writers of America stated, “We’ve just scratched the surface on geezer-lit. It could be the next frontier in crime fiction.” Mike turned his attention to fiction writing after a career in high technology marketing. His debut novel, RETIREMENT HOMES ARE MURDER, was published January, 2007. The second novel in his Paul Jacobson Geezer-lit Mystery Series, LIVING WITH YOUR KIDS IS MURDER, appeared April, 2009 and was nominated for the Lefty Award for the best humorous mystery of 2009. The third book in the series, SENIOR MOMENTS ARE MURDER, was released August, 2011.

Banquet Coordinator: Stina Branson
Email: stinabranson (at)
Stina Branson is originally from Missouri and has made her way to Northern Colorado via Wisconsin and New Mexico. She is a past president of Sleuths' Ink, has a background in law enforcement administration, and is hard at work on the second draft of her first completed mystery novel.

Book Room Coordinator: Tom Schantz
Email: Tomenid (at)

Tom Schantz is a founder of Left Coast Crime, a member of the LCC standing committee and the developed the wheel for the book room and con. This year Tom and Enid Schantz (1938-2011) are out Fan Guests of Honor. For a complete bio click here.

Book Bag Coordinator: L.C. Hayden
Email: lchauthor(@)

L. C. Hayden, creator of the popular Harry Bronson series, latestrelease, WHEN THE PAST HAUNTS YOU, hit the #2 Kindle Police Procedural BestSeller List. Her series have been finalist for the Agatha Award Best Novel andthe LCC award for best mystery. Other honors include her books being chosen asa Pennsylvania Top 40 Pick and making the Barnes & Noble Best Seller List. Haydenis also the author of the inspirational, nonfiction book ANGELS AROUND US, a #1Kindle Angels Best Seller. Hayden’s favorite promotion is traveling in majorcruise lines where she gives writing presentations during the days at sea.

Newsletter Chair: Sherry Lilly
Email: lcc2013newsletter (@)

Sherry is a legal secretary with many, many years of experience, mostly working for litigators. As such, she is a professional nag, babysitter of grown adults (also known as attorneys), and very organized (see, babysitter of grown adults). She is also a mom (mother of the world’s most adorable child, just ask her, she'll tell you), novice knitter, friend and reviewer."

Registrar Co-Chairs: Shannon Baker
Email: shannbaker (@
Shannon Baker has a right brain/left brain conflict. While the left brainfocuses on her business career, her right brain concocts thrillers. A lover of mountains, plains, oceans and rivers, she can often be found traipsing around the great outdoors.  Tainted Mountain, the first in her Nora Abbott Mystery Series, is set in Flagstaff, AZ, where she lived for several years and worked for The Grand Canyon Trust, a hotbed of environmentalists who, usually, don’t resort to murder. Shannon now makes her home in Boulder, CO. Surprisingly, Nora followed her and the next book in the series is set in this beautiful location.


Visit the main Left Coast Crime site at
Website by Christine Goff
Design by Christine Goff and Suzanne Proulx